
Welcome to the new Hertfordshire Direct Payment Support Service!
From today, Purple will be supporting Service Users utilising a Personal Budget through a Direct Payment or Individual Service Fund, through the new Hertfordshire Direct Payment Support Service.
Purple has a long history of providing Direct Payment and Personal Health Budget support services across the UK and is delighted to be working with Hertfordshire County Council in bringing this new Service to life.
The Service builds on Hertfordshire’s Direct Payment and Individual Service Fund Strategy 2021-2024, which sets out the importance of people being able to control and have a say about the support they want to receive.
It will include:
- Delivery of  information , advice and guidance service for Direct Payment Holders, including recruitment support and signposting to relevant services.
- Developing and maintaining approved provider lists for HR and payroll services, Insurance providers, Direct Payment Managed Account providers and Individual Service Fund providers.
- Maintaining and developing a PA Register to support Personal Budget Holders to recruit suitable Personal Assistants either through the Register or by advertising vacancies.
- Regular online Peer Support as well as signposting training for PAs on such things as Safeguarding and First Aid.
- Supporting adult Direct Payment Holders to maximise their Personal Budget to achieve their desired outcomes, using local knowledge and expertise to propose innovative solutions.
- Support for Service Users through regular Council co-facilitated Peer Support Group, to enable learning from each other as well as being able to ask questions of ourselves and the Council.
- Delivery of workshops and webinars to Direct Payment Holders, Authorised and Nominated Persons on such things as:
- recruitment and interview processes,
- financial planning, recording and reporting,
- person-centred planning,
- setting up systems and paperwork including rota management,
- staff training and induction including access to specialist training,
- contracts and job descriptions,
- dealing with employment disputes,
- payroll and insurance,
- relevant legislation, such as the Care Act,
- key documents, roles and relationships.
1 January 2023